API Parameters

VeriTrans API Currently consists of request token and redirection to payment page. Please see the detail constraints of each API parameter and examples of success or error response.

Request Token API

URL Endpoint

Resource URL:
Supported Methods:

Request Token Parameters

Payment Method:    

Parameter Format* Length Required Detail
MERCHANT_ID AN 22 YES Merchant Identifier
MERCHANTHASH - - YES A generated sha512 hash value by combining merchant hash key, Merchant ID, Settlement Type, Order ID and Amount
SESSION_ID - 50 YES Session Identifier must be unique on each request call
SETTLEMENT_TYPE N 2 YES '00' = Not Specified; '01' = Credit Card; '02' = CVS
ORDER_ID ANS 100 YES Order Identifier
*Supported special characters are "-"(Hyphen),"_"(Underscore) only.
AMOUNT N 8 YES Total price amount in JPY
*In case of CVS, Amount should be in range 1~300000.
*Include the shipping amount as well.
SHIPPING_AMOUNT N 8 NO Shipping cost
TIMELIMIT_OF_PAYMENT N 8 NO Payment limit in YYYYMMDD format
FINISH_PAYMENT_RETURN_URL URL 256 NO Url redirection after finishing payment
UNFINISH_PAYMENT_RETURN_URL URL 256 NO Url redirection for transaction that never completed
ERROR_PAYMENT_RETURN_URL URL 256 NO Url redirection if there is an error occurred after payment
FINISH_PAYMENT_ACCESS_URL URL 256 NO Url for successfull payment notification from Air-Web
DUMMY_PAYMENT_FLAG N 1 NO Dummy/Test transaction flag 0 = Live 1 = Test
CARD_CAPTURE_FLAG N 1 NO 0 = Authorization Only 1 = Authorization and Capture
* Default value = 0
NAME1 D 20 NO Consumer first name (Double byte)
NAME2 D 20 NO Consumer last name (Double byte)
KANA1 D 20 NO Consumer first name (Katakana)
KANA2 D 20 NO Consumer last name (Katakana)
ZIP_CODE NS 8 NO Zip code Like (123-4567)
TELEPHONE_NO N 11 NO Consumer telephone number
MAILADDRESS MAIL 100 NO Consumer Email address
SEX N 1 NO '1' = male; '2' = female; '3' = other
COMMODITY_ID ANS 15 NO Commodity Identifier
COMMODITY_UNIT N 8 NO Price of a commodity in JPY
COMMODITY_NUM N 3 NO Quantity of a commodity
COMMODITY_NAME ADNS 50 NO Name of commodity
JAN_CODE ANS 30 NO Japanese Article Number
  • Alphabet (a-z, A-Z)
  • N:Numeric (0 ? 9)
  • S:Symbol (- _)
  • D:Double-byte characters
  • URL:URL Format
  • MAIL:Mail Format


Plain Text
Example of successful response:
Example of error response:
ERROR_MESSAGE=Fail to authenticate merchant.

Redirection API

URL Endpoint

Resource URL:
Supported Methods:

Redirection Parameters

Parameter Detail
MERCHANT_ID Your Merchant ID.
ORDER_ID Unique and generated by Merchant. Order ID need to be the same with the previous Order ID used.
BROWSER_ENCRYPTION_KEY Use the value of BROWSER_ENCRYPTION_KEY you got from the request key process.


None ? Customer will see the VeriTrans payment page directly.

Payment Notification

After successful payment process, VeriTrans will send the HTTP(S) POST request notification to Merchant Server. VeriTrans will send the notification email to Merchant and Customer as well. The Payment Notification URL can be configured as the Merchant desires.

Click here to set the Payment Notification URL.

Sample of Payment Notification parameters

Parameter Format Length Sample Detail
orderId ANS 100 air-web-123 Order ID specified by EC-Site
mStatus AN 32 success Status: success; failure; pending
vResultCode AN 16 A001H00100000000
mErrMsg ADNS - Successful
merchantEncryptionKey ANS - AFHaRZhqAAQAAwACAAYAQSwEbFtwVzi8BU2Oi+nm8OenD
For Payment Notification, if the EC site returns HTTP status code "200", we treat Payment Notification to EC Site is successful.
If you would like to receive notification over HTTPS, please make sure you have the SSL environment at the EC site side server.
Please use one of the certificate authority issued SSL certificate.
* Please note that self-signed SSL certificate can't be use.

Convenience Store(CVS) Payment Received Notification

When Consumer completes the payment, VeriTrans will send Payment Received Notification to Merchant Server.
Click here to set the CVS Payment Received Notification URL

Sample of CVS Payment Received Notification parameters

Parameter Format Length Sample Detail
numberOfNotify N 4 100 Single notification contains 1,000 records,
For 1,001 and above, please use next notifications.
pushTime N 14 20140401202500 Notification time
Format - YYYYMMDDhhmmss
pushId N 8 10082225 ID is incremented each time a PUSH notification is processed.
Below parameters repeats for number of records in notification. Furthermore, a four digit sequential number (0000~9999) is appended to the end of the Field Name.
orderId ANS 100 air-web-123 Order ID specified by EC-Site
cvsType ANS 10 sej "sej": Seven-Eleven
"econ-lw": Lawson
"econ-fm": Family Mart
"econ-mini": MiniStop
"econ-other": Seicomart
receiptNo ANS 32 2000000020001 Receipt Number
receiptDate N 14 20140401202135 Time at which Customer completed payment
Format - YYYYMMDDhhmmss
rcvAmount N 6 5000 Amount
dummy N 1 1 "1" in case of dummy transaction
*If dummy is "1" then in case of "sej", cvsType="sej"
else cvsType="econ-lw"
For Payment Notification, if the EC site returns HTTP status code "200", we treat CVS Payment Received Notification to EC Site is successful.
If the HTTP status code other than "200" is returned by EC site, we treat CVS Payment Received Notification to EC Site is failure and keep on sending notification for certain period of time.
Please use one of the certificate authority issued SSL certificate.
* Please note that self-signed SSL certificate can't be use.

Result Code

Please refer below document for Result codes and response messages used in VeriTrans Air service.

Result Code [PDF]