What's Air-Direct

Air-Direct is one of new payment service which offers credit card payment using simple Web API where credit card information does not touch merchants' websites.

API End Point

  • https://air.veritrans.co.jp/vtdirect

EndPoint for each API

  • /v1/veritrans.min.js
  • /v1/charges
  • /v1/recharges
  • /v1/creditcard/list
  • /v1/creditcard/destroy
  • /v1/capture
  • /v1/search
  • /v1/status
  • /v1/void
  • /v1/mpi_charges
  • /v1/tokens
  • /v1/cvs


This glossary contains definitions of certain technical terms frequently appeared on this document.
Business operator or person using Air-Direct
Merchant Site
Site operated with Air-Direct by business operator or person
Merchant Administration Portal (MAP) is system offered by VeriTrans to Merchants, for transaction management.
Merchant can search the transactions on MAP made with Air-Direct
Web API offered by Air Direct.
Air-Direct has different end point for each API. Merchant can call API for the function he want to use by putting authentication information in header and request parameters in body part, and then send the GET or POST request by serializing the JSON object.
Merchant website can easily parse the response as it is in JSON format.
API library
Program library to send requests to Air-Direct API.
Without using library provided, merchant can implement and use their library as the specifications for API are very simple.
Client Key
In case using Tokens API, it's necessary to include this authentication key in Requested parameter. Make use of this key in HTML or Java Script.
Server Key
Authentication key to use each API except Tokens API. Specified and used as authorization header on HTTP header. As it is quite important authentication key, it should be saved only at merchants' server and be careful to prevent from leaking to the outside.
veritrans.min.js (veritrans.js)
Java Script program to send credit card information to Air-Direct and obtain Token Id.
Credit card information is being sent direct from browser to Air-Direct by loading it on credit card information entry screen of merchants' website.
Please refer to "veritrans.min.js" for more detailed usage.
Token, Token Id
Single use token of alphabet and hyphens that wraps the details of a credit card information when Token IP is called with credit card information.
Token contains with 36 random characters and the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits of credit card numbers. Token Id is valid only for 1 minute and required parameter to identify the credit card information. Used only for Charges API, expire if sent once, and cannot be reused.
Order Id
A unique and mandatory identifier set by merchant website to identify payment made by Air-Direct.
As Order Id is required as parameter for other Air-Direct API like Capture API, etc. as described later,, merchant should save in their own database. In many cases, key value of database of merchants' websites can be used as an Order Id.
Tokens API
API to keep credit card information temporally on Air-Direct. Response with Token Id to identify the registered credit card information.
Charges API
API to perform authorization or authorization and capture by credit card.
Token Id issued by Air-Direct, numbered Order Id and payment amount are minimal 3 parameters.
As there is a time limit for Token Id, please send it to merchants' sites as soon as the browser obtains Token Id at veritrans.min.js and process the payment with Charges API.
And to make it possible to process the payment without reentering credit card information, it is necessary to specify option parameter at Charges API and make it linked to the member ID at merchants' sites.
ReCharges API
API to process the payment without re-entry of credit card information by reusing the past payment information.
Available by specifying Register Id as described later and re-entry of credit card information is not needed.
By searching transaction at MAP and it is possible to ReOrder by using the same payment information.
Customer Id
Customer ID from the response of Charges API can be specified in ReCharges API.
By doing this, it is possible to extract the registered credit card information associated with Customer Id by using Creditcard/list API. In many cases, key value of database of merchants' websites c can be used as Order Id.
Air-Direct keep Customer Id and past payment information for ReOrder as one-to-many relation, it's not necessary to manage branch numbers at merchants' sites.
Register Id
Register Id issued by Air-Direct when register parameter is specified in Charges API and payment is successful, can be used as ReCharges API parameter.
Store the Register Id in your database as Customer Id associated with Register ID and card information can be retrieved with Creditcard/list.

Authentication Process

To use Air-Direct API, parameter used in Authentication needs to be specified.

Server Key

For API call from merchants' server like Charges API or Capture API etc. it is necessary to specify server key in the HTTP Header.
Header Value
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {Base 64 encoded value of Server Key}

Client Key

As Tokens API is API uses veritrans.min.js and send credit card information from browser to Air-Direct, it is necessary to include Client Key, instead of Server Key, in parameter.
For more detail, please refer to veritrans.min.js or Tokens API.

Error Handling

Merchants' sites need to handle the page transition etc. depending on the response of payment sent from API.
Below is the information for result decision.

Http Status Code

Please confirm first if the Http Status Code is 200.
API library throws exception if Http Status Code is not 200.


JSON response always contains code. Please refer to the response code table on the right for details.


JSON response always contains status. Please refer to the response code table on the right for details.


JSON response always contains message.
Also contains information that which process is successful or the reason why the process was failed, etc.


In case of incorrect parameter error code Q001 will be sent along with reason of failure in errors.
The contents are as same as that of message,but when there are several incorrect parameters, String array containing all the reasons will be sent.

About Timeout

Normally respond in few seconds, but as the upper limit for payment process is 2 minutes, please set the timeout limit for API as 130 seconds.

Response Patterns

code Description
When the process is successful
When the incorrect parameter is sent or when cannot be verified. Or payment is failed.
In case if Client ley is empty when credit card information is sent Tokens API by using veritrans.min.js.
When unexpected error occurs at Air-Direct.
status Description
When the code is Q000.
When the code is Q001.
When the code is Q099.
(Credit Card)
At the time error
Authorization & Capture
Authorization -> Cancel
Authorization & Capture -> Cancel
Capture -> Cancel
Request completion(includes failure)
Has been credited

failure error samples

Samples of JSON response when failure error occurs.
  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0005",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "card_number": "4111XXXXXXXXXX11",
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "failure",
  "vresult_code": "NH18000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Order already succeeded]",
  "errors": [
    "Order already succeeded"

fatal error sample

JSON response when fatal error occurs.
  "code": "Q099",
  "status": "fatal",
  "message": "Fatal error, please contact veriTrans"


For payment with Air-Direct, it required to send credit card information to Token API to get Token Id.
Normally, the browser directly calls Tokens API with the information entered on credit card information entry screen on merchants' site by using the method of veritrans.min.js.


Set script tag for loading veritrans.min.js from Air-Direct on credit card information entry screen.
<script src="https://air.veritrans.co.jp/vtdirect/v1/veritrans.min.js">

Sending credit card information

Specify the code in Veritrans.tokenGet function to send credit card information.
// Set the Client Key
Veritrans.client_key = "Client Key";

function _error(d) {
  var message = d.message;
  // Set the code for Navigation in case of failure.

function _success(d) {
  var token_id = d.data.token_id;
  // Set the code to send the obtained Token Id to merchants' site.

function _cardSet() {
  return {
    "card_number": "card number", // Set the card number entered
    "card_exp_month": "expire date(MM)", // Set the expire date (month) entered
    "card_exp_year": "expire date(YYYY)", // Set the expire date (year) entered
    "card_cvv": "security code" // Set the security code entered.

// Set the code to send the credit card information when the button is pressed
$("button.submit").bind("click", function () {
  Veritrans.tokenGet(_cardSet, _success, _error);

Credit Card Payment (/charges)

API to make a payment by using Token Id.
As Token Id has upper limit for expiry of 1 minute, needs to make credit card payment with API as soon as Token Id is sent to merchant site from browser.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL POST.

Request Parameter

Request Header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* token_id Set Token Id issued by Tokens API
* order_id Set unique numbers for each payment. Half-width alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore can be use and must be within 100 digits.
* gross_amount Set payment amount between 1~99999999.
with_capture Set the Boolean value if you want to capture at the time of authorization. If it's not set, then only authorization will be performed. When set "true", capture will be performed at the time of authorization.
register Set by boolean value to associate member id of merchants' website with this payment. If not set, the member id will not be associated. When set "true", transaction ID of real payment will be registered at Air-Direct. (If the payment is failed, it won't be registered.)
customer_id Set member ID (Member id issued by merchant website) of merchants' sites. If "true" is set at Register, Register Id will be issued even if Customer Id is not specified, but in that case, merchant must store the Register Id issue.
test_mode Set by Boolean to make dummy transaction. If it's not set, it will be real transaction, and not dummy transaction. Necessary to set "true" during testing.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\ChargesParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0003";
$input->token_id = "1c0cc4c0-9973-40db-bf81-8caf5349037d-411111-1111";
$input->gross_amount = 1980;
$charges = new \VtDirect\Client\Charges($setting);
$response = $charges->ChargeWithToken($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::ChargesParameter.new
api = VtDirect::Charges.new setting
input.order_id = 'TEST0030'
input.token_id = 'c4a94573-3b03-4289-be1a-bb4d8dbcce04-411111-1111'
input.gross_amount = 1980
response = api.charge_with_token input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
ChargeRequest input = new ChargeRequest();
Charges api = new Charges(clientConfiguration);
ChargeResponse response = api.ChargeWithToken(input);

Request Sample 1

Send the JSON request as below.
  "token_id": "7caebe94-b39c-4468-aad0-4da4e42648a8-411111-1111",
  "order_id": "TEST0001",
  "gross_amount": 1980

Request Sample 2

To associate the member Id with the payment and use it in subsequent payment on merchant website, send the JSON like below.
  "token_id": "64761c74-3b1c-4d73-b6e9-18d0bf721db7-411111-1111",
  "order_id": "TEST0002",
  "register": true,
  "customer_id": "C0001",
  "gross_amount": 1980

Contents of successful response

When register is disabled

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0004",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "card_number": "4111XXXXXXXXXX11",
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "success",
  "vresult_code": "A001H00100000000",
  "transaction_type": "a",
  "pending": "0",
  "acquirer_code": "05",
  "trad_url": "https://www.example.com/abcde;fghij;klmno",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do charge transaction"

When register is enable

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0005",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "card_number": "4111XXXXXXXXXX11",
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "success",
  "vresult_code": "A001H00100000000",
  "transaction_type": "a",
  "pending": "0",
  "acquirer_code": "05",
  "trad_url": "https://www.example.com/abcde;fghij;klmno",
  "register_id": "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014",
  "customer_id": "C0001",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do charge transaction"

※customer_id has the value that was specified in charge request.

Credit card payment error

On Credit Card payment, authorization can be failed due to various reasons.
For Charges API or ReCharges API, perform the page transition based on the response result and by referring the contents below.


Contains result codes. There are 3 types of mstatus.
mstatus is success only when authorization and authorization with capture is successful.
mstatus Meanings
success Successful
failure Unsuccessful
pending pending


Contains detailed result code.
Following are some of the error code and reason when mstatus is not "success".
Please do the navigation as per your needs.
First 4 digits of vresult_code Reason
AG33 Impossible to use credit card.
AG39 Judgment for transaction (Manual decision) is pending.
AG41 Security code is wrong.
AG44 Limit for utilization of account or amount exceeded.
AG45 Credit card limit for a day is exceeded
AG46 Credit card is invalid.
AG47 Fraud card.
AG48 Invalid card.
AG49 Account number error.
AG51 Error for amount specified.
AG61 Payment type error.
AG64 Credit card expiry date error.
AG70 Request rejected.
AG71 Error as this transaction is out of our business
AG72 Connection request rejected.
ACD6 No original transaction.

Contents of failed response

When Token is expired

  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Token was expired]",
  "errors": [
    "Token was expired"

When OrderID is duplicated

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0005",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "card_number": "4111XXXXXXXXXX11",
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "failure",
  "vresult_code": "NH18000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Order already succeeded]",
  "errors": [
    "Order already succeeded"

Card error

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0007",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "card_number": "4111XXXXXXXXXX11",
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "failure",
  "vresult_code": "AG72000000000000",
  "transaction_type": "init",
  "pending": "",
  "acquirer_code": "05",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Card Error]",
  "errors": [
    "Card Error"

Credit Card Re-Order payments (/recharges)

API to make payment using Register Id without re-entry of credit card information.
Register ID associated with Customer Id will be issued when payment is made by specifying optional register parameter and Customer Id parameter from Charges API.
Please use Creditcard/list API to obtain Register Id and credit card information associated with Customer Id.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* order_id Set unique numbers for each payment. Half-width alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore can be use and must be within 100 digits.
* register_id Set ID issued by Charges when the payment is made with register parameter as "true".
* gross_amount Set payment amount between 1~99999999.
with_capture Set the Boolean value if you want to capture at the time of authorization. If it's not set, then only authorization will be performed. When set "true", capture will be performed at the time of authorization.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\ReChargesParameter();
$input->register_id = "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014";
$input->order_id = "TEST0009";
$input->gross_amount = 1980;
$charges = new \VtDirect\Client\ReCharges($setting);
$response = $charges->ReChargeWithRegisterId($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::ReChargesParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0032'
input.gross_amount = 1980
input.register_id = 'bd7067e7-275e-47d4-b7e1-8986ee897caf1384337330'
api = VtDirect::ReCharges.new setting
response = api.re_charge_with_register_id input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
ReChargeRequest input = new ReChargeRequest();
ReCharges api = new ReCharges(clientConfiguration);
ReChargeResponse response = api.ReChargeWithRegisterId(input);

Request Sample

Send the JSON request like below.
  "order_id": "TEST0007",
  "register_id": "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014",
  "gross_amount": 1980

Contents of successful response

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0007",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "success",
  "vresult_code": "A001000000000000",
  "transaction_type": "a",
  "pending": "0",
  "acquirer_code": "05",
  "register_id": "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014",
  "customer_id": "C0001",
  "trad_url": "https://www.example.com/abcde;fghij;klmno",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do recharge transaction"

Credit card payment error

In case of ReCharges API, Credit Card payment error may occur as that of Charges API.
And as transaction data is deleted after 400 days, the payment can be failed if successful the transaction made in Charges/ReCharges API is considerably old.
Please enable navigation same as Charges API in case the response result is error.

Contents of failed response

When OrderID is duplicated.

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0007",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "with_capture": false
  "mstatus": "failure",
  "vresult_code": "NH18000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Order already succeeded]",
  "errors": [
    "Order already succeeded"

In case specified register_id is not registered.

  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[No such credit card bind]",
  "errors": [
    "No such credit card bind"

Credit Card Information Management (/creditcard)

Obtainment of credit card information list (Creditcard/list)


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* customer_id Set members' ID of the merchants' website.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\CreditCardListParameter();
$input->customer_id = "C0001";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\CreditCardList($setting);
$response = $api->ListCreditCardBind($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::CreditCardListParameter.new
input.customer_id = 'C0002'
api = VtDirect::CreditCardList.new setting
response = api.list_credit_card_bind input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
CreditCardListRequest input = new CreditCardListRequest();
CreditCardList api = new CreditCardList(clientConfiguration);
CreditCardListResponse response = api.ListCreditCardBind(input);

Request Sample

Send the JSON request like below.
  "customer_id": "C0001"

Contents of successful response

  "cards": [
      "register_id": "414264f0-87da-4bba-8da8-25df92fd35dc1384314166",
      "brand": "MASTER",
      "last4": "4444",
      "original_order_id": "TEST0010",
      "last_updated": "2013-11-13 12:40:08",
      "customer_id": "C0001"
      "register_id": "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014",
      "brand": "VISA",
      "last4": "1111",
      "original_order_id": "TEST0009",
      "last_updated": "2013-11-13 11:40:16",
      "customer_id": "C0001"
  "customer_id": "C0001",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do query credit card list"

Credit Card Information Destroy (Creditcard/destroy)

API to remove credit card information associated with Register Id.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.
Request parameter should be set in JSON Body.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* register_id ID issued from Air-Direct when register flag is on.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\CreditCardDestroyParameter();
$input->register_id = "3a582e5c-4d68-47c5-861e-74bb1b50a05d1384309014";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\CreditCardDestroy($setting);
$response = $api->DestroyCreditCardBind($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::CreditCardDestroyParameter.new
input.register_id = 'bd7067e7-275e-47d4-b7e1-8986ee897caf1384337330'
api = VtDirect::CreditCardDestroy.new setting
response = api.destroy_credit_card_bind input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
CreditCardDestroyRequest input = new CreditCardDestroyRequest();
CreditCardDestroy api = new CreditCardDestroy(clientConfiguration);
CreditCardDestroyResponse response = api.DestroyCreditCardBind(input);

Request Sample

Create the JSON request like below.
  "register_id": "414264f0-87da-4bba-8da8-25df92fd35dc1384314166"

Contents of successful response

  "customer_id": "C0001",
  "register_id": "414264f0-87da-4bba-8da8-25df92fd35dc1384314166",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do destroy credit card bind"

Contents of unsuccessful response

In case specified register_id is not registered.

  "register_id": "414264f0-87da-4bba-8da8-25df92fd35dc1384314166",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[No such credit card bind]",
  "errors": [
    "No such credit card bind"

Sales process (/capture)

API to capture the authorized funds with Order Id specified during authorization.
Sales are performed with the amount at the time of credit obtainment.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.
Request parameter should be set in JSON Body.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* order_id Specify the same OrderId that was specified when the authorization was performed on Charges API.
amount Specify the amount to be capture. Amount should be less than the amount at the time of authorization. When it's not specified, amount specified at the time of authorization will be captured.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\CaptureParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0005";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\Capture($setting);
$response = $api->CaptureOrder($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::CaptureParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0040'
api = VtDirect::Capture.new setting
response = api.capture_order input

Java code

CaptureRequest input = new CaptureRequest();
Capture api = new Capture(clientConfiguration);
CaptureResponse response = api.CaptureOrder(input);

Request Sample

Create the JSON request like below.
  "order_id": "TEST0001"

Contents of successful response

In normal case

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0001",
    "transaction_status": "capture"
  "vresult_code": "A001000000000000",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do capture transaction"

Contents of unsuccessful response

In case of trying "Capture" twice.

  "vresult_code": "NH18000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[This order is already captured]",
  "errors": [
    "This order is already captured"

In case of trying "Capture" the order that has been already cancelled.

  "vresult_code": "NH02000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Order invalid]",
  "errors": [
    "Order invalid"

In case of try to Capture the order that order doesn't exist.

  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Order not found]",
  "errors": [
    "Order not found"

Search Payment Transaction Information (/search)

By setting Order Id, an API that retrieves payment transaction information.


Set the request to GET at the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request Header

Set the following headers as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
Set the Base64 encoded Server Key to {base64encoded_server_key}.

Request Body

When searching for 3-D Secure results, use Request Id. At other times, use Order Id.
order_id Set the Order Id for the order that you applies to the payment transaction information.
request_id Set the Request Id for the key item to retrieve 3-D Secure result.
test_mode Sets Boolean value to run either dummy or real transaction. Set to true during testing.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\SearchParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0011";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\Search($setting);
$response = $api->GetOrderTransactionInfo($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::SearchParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0011'
api = VtDirect::Search.new settings
response = api.get_order_transaction_info input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
SearchRequest input = new SearchRequest();
Search api = new Search(clientConfiguration);
SearchResponse response = api.getOrderTransactionInformation(input);

Request Example


Details upon successful response

In normal case

  "order_info": {
    "order_id": "TEST0011",
    "service_type_code": "mpi",
    "last_success_command": "Capture",
    "success_detail_transaction_type": "pa",
    "proper_order_info": {},
    "memo1": "memo",
    "free_key": "keyinfo",
    "transaction_info_array": [
        "amount": 100,
        "command": "Authorize",
        "mstatus": "success",
        "vresult_code": "G001H00100000000",
        "transaction_datetime": "2014-12-16 12:06:21.048",
        "properTransactionInfo": {
          "transaction_kind": "mpi",
          "transaction_type": "auth",
          "corporation_id": "05",
          "res_3d_message_version": "1.0.2"
        "amount": 100,
        "command": "Verify",
        "mstatus": "success",
        "vresult_code": "G011A00100000000",
        "transaction_datetime": "2014-12-16 12:06:46.74",
        "properTransactionInfo": {
          "transaction_kind": "mpi",
          "transaction_type": "vd",
          "res_3d_cavv": "OTg3NjU0MzIxMDk4NzY1NDMyMT\u003d\u003d",
          "res_3d_cavv_algorithm": "2",
          "res_3d_eci": "05",
          "res_3d_message_version": "1.0.2",
          "res_3d_transaction_id": "MDEyMzQ1Njc4OT\u003dxMjM0NTY3ODk\u003d",
          "res_3d_transaction_status": "Y"
        "amount": 100,
        "command": "Verify",
        "mstatus": "success",
        "vresult_code": "G011A00100000000",
        "transaction_datetime": "2014-12-16 12:06:46.932",
        "properTransactionInfo": {
          "transaction_kind": "card",
          "res_auth_code": "000000",
          "res_center_error_code": "   "
        "amount": 100,
        "command": "Capture",
        "mstatus": "success",
        "vresult_code": "A001000000000000",
        "transaction_datetime": "2014-12-18 14:46:10.94",
        "properTransactionInfo": {
          "transaction_kind": "card",
          "res_auth_code": "000000",
          "res_center_error_code": "   "
  "vresult_code": "N001000000000000",
  "mstatus": "success",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Search request was successful"

Contents of unsuccessful response

In case the specifying order that doesn't exist.

  "vresult_code": "N001000000000000",
  "mstatus": "success",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[such an order was not found]",
  "errors": ["such an order was not found"]

Payment transaction information status (/status)

API to obtain the final transaction status of specified Order Id.
You can get a lot more information if the /search API. Please use the usually /search API.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.
Request parameter should be set in JSON Body.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* order_id Specify the OrderId of the order whose payment transaction information status will be obtained.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\StatusParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0011";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\Status($setting);
$response = $api->GetOrderStatus($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::StatusParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0031'
api = VtDirect::Status.new setting
response = api.get_order_status input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
StatusRequest input = new StatusRequest();
String orderId = "TEST0052";
Status api = new Status(clientConfiguration);
StatusResponse response = api.GetOrderStatus(input);

Request Sample

Create the JSON request like below.
  "order_id": "TEST0011"

Contents of successful response

In normal case

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0011",
    "service_type_code": "card",
    "order_status": "end",
    "last_success_transaction_type": "Authorize",
    "success_detail_transaction_type": "a",
    "amount": 1980,
    "transaction_type": "a",
    "gateway_request_date": "2013-11-13 15:41:37",
    "gateway_response_date": "2013-11-13 15:41:37",
    "pending": "0",
    "auth_code": "000000",
    "action_code": "000"
  "vresult_code": "N001000000000000",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success search card order transaction"

Contents of unsuccessful response

In case the specifying order that doesn't exist.

  "vresult_code": "N001000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[such an order was not found]",
  "errors": [
    "such an order was not found"

Cancellation of payment (/void)

API to cancel the credit card authorization, credit card authorization with capture and convenience store payment of the specified Order Id.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* order_id Specify OrderId of the order to be cancelled.
amount Specify the amount for cancellation. Partial refund for credit card is possible. Specify the amount less than that of Capture amount. When it's not specified, whole amount will be cancelled.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\CancelParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0011";
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\Cancel($setting);
$response = $api->CancelOrder($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::VoidParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0040'
api = VtDirect::Void.new setting
response = api.void_order input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
VoidRequest input = new VoidRequest();
String orderId = "TEST0052";
Void api = new Void(clientConfiguration);
VoidResponse response = api.VoidOrder(input);

Request Sample

Create the JSON request like below.
  "order_id": "TEST0002"

Contents of successful response

In normal case

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0002",
    "transaction_status": "cancel"
  "vresult_code": "A001000000000000",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do void transaction"

Contents of unsuccessful response

When try to cancel the order that was already cancelled.

  "vresult_code": "NH18000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[This order is already cancelled]",
  "errors": [
    "This order is already cancelled"

3-D Secure Payment (/mpi_charges)

After completing 3-D Secure, executes payments and other processes.
When the status is "success" for the results for the API below, with the received response_contents from the response, redirect the browser to the 3-D Secure flow.


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request Header

Set the following headers as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
Set the Base64 encoded Server Key to {base64encoded_server_key}.

Request Body *…Required

* order_id Set unique number for each payment. Valid characters are Half-width alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore, up to 100 characters in length.
* token_id Set the TokenID issued by the Token API.
* gross_amount Set the payment amount from 1 to 99999999.
* service_option_type Set one of the following
"mpi-complete": Complete verification
"mpi-company": Normal Verification (Card Company bears risk)
push_uri Set the URL of the merchant's website for notification of 3-D Secure result. 256 half-width characters.
* redirection_uri Browser's return URL after completion of 3-D Secure. Up to 256 half-width characters.
* http_user_agent Set the browser's HTTP User-Agent header.
* http_accept Set the browser's HTTP Accept header.
with_capture Set the Boolean value if you want to charge at the time of authorization. When not set, authorization will be executed. When set to true, capture and authorization will execute together
test_mode Sets Boolean value to run either dummy or real transaction. Set to true during testing.
memo1 Set a memo for order. Up to 100 characters in length.
free_key Set a key information etc for order. Valid characters are Half-width alphanumeric, up to 256 characters in length.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new VtDirect\Client\Request\MpiChargesParameter();
$input->token_id = "abcdef12-1234-abcd-ef12-abcdef1234ab-411111-1111";
$input->order_id = "TEST1005";
$input->gross_amount = 1980;
$input->service_option_type = "mpi-complete";
$input->push_uri = "https://example.com/push_receive";
$input->redirection_uri = "https://example.com/complete";
$input->http_user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko";
$input->http_accept = "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*";
$api = new VtDirect\Client\MpiCharges($setting);
$response = $api->MpiChargeWithToken($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
input = VtDirect::Request::MpiChargesParameter.new
input.token_id = 'abcdef12-1234-abcd-ef12-abcdef1234ab-411111-1111'
input.order_id = 'TEST1005'
input.gross_amount = 1980
input.service_option_type = 'mpi-complete'
input.push_uri = 'https://example.com/push_receive'
input.redirection_uri = 'https://example.com/complete'
input.http_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko'
input.http_accept = 'text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*'
api = VtDirect::MpiCharges.new setting
response = api.mpi_charge_with_token input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
MpiChargeRequest input = new MpiChargeRequest();
input.setHttpAccept("text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*");
input.setHttpUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko");
MpiCharges api = new MpiCharges(clientConfiguration);
MpiChargeResponse response = api.mpiChargeWithToken(input);

Request Example

    "token_id": "abcdef12-1234-abcd-ef12-abcdef1234ab-411111-1111",
    "order_id": "TEST1006",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "service_option_type": "mpi-complete",
    "push_uri": "https://example.com/push_receive",
    "redirection_uri": "https://example.com/complete",
    "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
    "http_accept": "text/html, application/xhtml+xml, */*"

Details upon successful response.

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST1006",
    "gross_amount": 1980,
    "with_capture": false,
    "service_option_type": "mpi-complete",
    "response_contents": "\u003c!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ....(abbr",
    "res_corporation_id": "05",
    "res_brand_id": "5"
  "mstatus": "success",
  "vresult_code": "G001H00100000000",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "mpi authorize request was successful"

Contents of failed response

Cannot execute 3-D secure authorization (Issuer or card member has not participate.)

  "mstatus": "failure",
  "vresult_code": "GE02000000000000",
  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Cannot perform the authentication]",
  "errors": [
    "Cannot perform the authentication"

Issue of Token (/tokens)

Token Id can be obtained by sending credit card information.
As normally the browser send credit card information to this API by veritrans.min.js, it's not necessary to use this API from merchant websites' program at all.


Send the GET request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request text *…mandatory

* card_cvv Set the security code. 3-4 digits number.
* card_exp_month Set the month of credit card expiration date. 2 digits number.
* card_exp_year Set the year of credit card expiration year. 4 digits number.
* card_number Set the credit card number.
* client_key Set the client key.
callback In case veritrans.min.js calls this API, values will be set automatically and response will be in the form of JSONP. When callback is not specified, the response will be JSON.

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\TokensParameter();
$input->card_number = "4111111111111111";
$input->card_exp_month = "12";
$input->card_exp_year = "2018";
$input->card_cvv = "1234";
$input->client_key = "bbbbbbbb-2222-cccc-3333-eeeeeeeeeeee";
$tokens = new \VtDirect\Client\Tokens($setting);
$response = $tokens->GetToken($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
tokens = VtDirect::Tokens.new setting
response = tokens.get_token(
    '4111111111111111', '2018', '12', '123')

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
TokenRequest input = new TokenRequest();
Tokens tokens = new Tokens(clientConfiguration);
TokenResponse response = tokens.GetToken(input);

* The codes sample implementation on for merchant wesite side, but in principle, Tokens API is callback from veritrans.min.js

Request Sample


Content of successful response

  "data": {
    "token_id": "8ebec161-b054-4d31-83a1-4b58de696f89-411111-1111"
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success request new token"

* When Token Id is issued, token_id contains the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits of credit card number on its last part.

Content of unsuccessful response

In case client_key is not correct.

  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Cannot find merchant]",
  "errors": [
    "Cannot find merchant"

In case card_number format is not in correct.

  "code": "Q001",
  "status": "failure",
  "message": "[Invalid card number]",
  "errors": [
    "Invalid card number"

Convenience Store Payment (/cvs)


Set the request parameter in JSON body and make a POST request to the following URL.

Request Parameter

Request header

Set the headers below as HTTP headers.
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Basic {base64encoded_server_key}
{base64encoded_server_key} Set base 64 encoded Server Key.

Request text *…mandatory

* option_type In case of 7-Eleven, set "sej" and for LAWSON, FamiliyMart, MINI STOP, Seicomart set "econ".
* order_id et unique numbers for each payment. Half-width alphanumeric, hyphen and underscore can be use and must be within 100 digits.
* gross_amount Set payment amount between 1~300000.
* tel Set consumers' telephone number in half-width between 10~11 digits without hyphen. Never use fixed value.
* name1 Set consumers' full width last name with maximum size 20 byte. Letters available are below :
ー、々、ヽ、ヾ ゝ、ゞ、〃、〆
Numbers, alphabet, Hira-gana, Kata-kana, Level 1 Kanji, Level 2 Kanji
* name2 Set consumers' full width first name with maximum size 20 bytes. Other restrictions are same as name1 parameter.
pay_limit Set due date for payment in 8half-width numbers in format yyyymmdd.
When option _type parameter value is set as "sej" then pay_limit can vary from same day till 150 days later.
When option _type parameter value is set "econ", then pay_limit can vary from same day till 60 days later.
If not specified, default value is applied.
test_mode Set the Boolean value to make dummy transaction. If it's not set, it will be real transaction, and not dummy transaction. Necessary to set "true" during testing..

PHP code

$setting = new \VtDirect\Client\Setting();
$input = new \VtDirect\Client\Request\CvsParameter();
$input->order_id = "TEST0014";
$input->gross_amount = 1980;
$input->name1 = 'Test';
$input->name2 = 'Taro';
$input->option_type = "sej";
$input->tel = '09000000000';
$api = new \VtDirect\Client\Cvs($setting);
$response = $api->PaymentAtCvs($input);

Ruby code

setting = VtDirect::Setting.new
setting.server_key = 'aaaaaaaa-1111-ffff-bbbb-000000000000'
setting.ca_cert_path = 'D:\\cacert.pem'
input = VtDirect::Request::CvsParameter.new
input.order_id = 'TEST0041'
input.gross_amount = 1980
input.name1 = 'Test'
input.name2 = 'Taro'
input.option_type = 'sej'
input.tel = '09000000000'
api = VtDirect::Cvs.new setting
response = api.payment_at_cvs input

Java code

ClientConfiguration clientConfiguration = new ClientConfiguration();
CvsRequest input = new CvsRequest();
Cvs api = new Cvs(clientConfiguration);
CvsResponse response = api.PaymentAtCvs(input);

Request Sample

  "order_id": "TEST0013",
  "tel": "0900000000",
  "name1": "Test",
  "name2": "Taro",
  "gross_amount": 1980,
  "option_type": "sej"

Notification of deposit

POST Notification of deposit is sent to merchant website when deposit completion information (consumer's payment completion information) is received from payment center and deposit is considered to be completed.
Please refer here to service setting method about notification URL.
Parameter Details
numberOfNotify numberOfNotify
Single notification contains 1,000 records,
For 1,001 and above, please use next notifications.
pushTime Notification time. (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
pushId ID is incremented each time a PUSH notification is processed.
Maximum 8 letters.
Below parameters repeats for number of records in notification. Furthermore, a four digit sequential number (0000~9999) is appended to the end of the Field Name.
orderId Order Id specified when the order is sent.
Maximum 100 letters.
cvsType Text to identify the convenience store where payment is performed.
"econ-mini":MINI STOP
* In dummy transaction where "econ" is specified as option_type, fixed value "econ-lw" is returned.
receiptNo Text of receipt number
Maximum 32 Half-width letters and numbers.
receiptDate Date of completion of payment (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
rcvAmount Deposited amount
Maximum 6 digits numbers
dummy "1" in case of dummy transaction.
For Payment Notification, if the EC site returns HTTP status code "200", we treat CVS Payment Received Notification to EC Site is successful.If the HTTP status code other than "200" is returned by EC site, we treat CVS Payment Received Notification to EC Site is failure and keep on sending notification for certain period of time.

Please use one of the certificate authority issued SSL certificate.
* Please note that self-signed SSL certificate can't be use.

Content of successful response

  "data": {
    "order_id": "TEST0013",
    "gross_amount": 1980
  "mstatus": "success",
  "vresult_code": "D001H00100000000",
  "url": "https://payment.sej.co.jp/od/hi.asp?HARAIKOMIXXXXXXXXXXXXX0000010001",
  "receipt_no": "2000000010001",
  "trad_url": "https://www.example.com/abcde;fghij;klmno",
  "code": "Q000",
  "status": "success",
  "message": "Success do cvs authorize transaction"

API library

Air-Direct based on simple Web API, but API library with built in implementation for creating and sending the request can also be used.


Use the following PHP source code in your application.
Support for PHP 5.4 or later. Enable SSL connection for https in cURL module of PHP.


Use the following Ruby source code in your application.
Support for Ruby 2.0 or later. Necessary to install the dependent RubyGem by Bundler.


Use the following Java source code in your application.
Support for JDK1.7. Necessary to install the dependency library by Maven. Groovy is used in some classes.

Error Code List

List of vresult_code responded when some error occur in this system. Please refer to "Card Payment Process Error" for the general error of credit card payment.

Credit Card Payment

vresult_code the first 4 digits Reason
NH18 "charge" API is called by specifying Order Id for which payment is already processed.
NH02 In case the status of transaction is not right, for example, the specified Order Id was cancelled.
Also, parameter values specified for dummy transaction request are not as per testing specifications, or real transaction is performed while application is in process.
AG** When credit card authorization is failed.
NH04 Transaction is duplicated.
NH40 Order id is already used in other service.
AC25 Format of credit card number parameter is wrong.
AC27 Credit card number parameter validation error.
AC30 Format of credit card expiration date parameter is wrong.
NH05 Transaction in process.
NC06 Parameter invalid.
AE10 Transaction in pending.
ACD3 Transaction is expired.
ACD4 Original transaction is not success.

Convenient Store Payment

vresult_code the first 4 digits Reason
DC47, NH11 When the invalid option_type parameter is specified.
NC04, NC06 Parameter invalid.
DC05 Due date for payment is already passed.
DC07 Customer name (katakana) is specified in wrong format.
DC08 Due date for payment is specified in wrong format.
DE05, DG37 Condition for payment of test transaction is wrong.
DH15 Transaction is failed due to the error in VeriTrans Gateway.
NH18 Already success.
NH02 Invalid transaction.
Also, parameter values specified for dummy transaction request are not as per testing specifications, or real transaction is performed while application is in process.
NH04 Transaction is duplicated.
NH40 Order id is already used in other service.
NH05 Transaction in process.
DC06 Parameter invalid.
DC09 Parameter invalid.
DC10 Order payment status is not appropriate.
DC48 Parameter invalid.
DC49 Parameter invalid.
DG19 Failed in cancellation as customer is issuing receipt for payment.
DH15 Failed in transaction.

Sales process

vresult_code the first 4 digits Reason
NH18 The order of specified Order Id was already captured.
NH02 The order of specified Order Id was already cancelled.
NH05 Transaction in process.
AC38 Amount specified by parameter is out of range.
NH40 Order id is already used in other service.

Cancellation of payment

vresult_code the first 4 digits Reason
NH18 The order of specified Order Id was already cancelled.
NH02 Invalid Transaction.
NH05 Transaction in process.
AC38 Amount specified by parameter is out of range.
DG19 Failed in cancellation as customer is issuing receipt for payment.
DC10 Order payment status is not appropriate.

3-D Secure

vresult_code the first 4 digits Reason
GC** Invalid parameter.
GE** 3-D Secure is not possible or failure.
* Please refer [3-D Secure Payment] document.